Category: Informational

Reduce Your Risk of Oral Cancer According to dental professionals, men are twice as likely to develop oral cancer as women, and young people are significantly less likely to develop the disease. While you can’t do much about your age and gender, there are other risk factors for oral cancer that you can control, including:...

Can Vitamin Supplements Improve Your Gum Health? Good news for people who are concerned about their gum health: vitamins C and D are thought to improve and prevent gum disease. Vitamin C There is a well-known link between gum disease and vitamin C deficiency, as people with low vitamin C intake levels are thought to...

Favorite Summer Foods for Braces Having braces might seem like you are restricted to just a few foods. The good news is that each season brings with it new foods for you to enjoy. At the end of the summer, we all get to enjoy the fruits of our gardening efforts that we put in...

Convincing Your Child to Wear a Mouth Guard The warmer months means time for many more outdoor contact sports. For many children, this also means that it is time to wear a mouth guard. This is typically an area that many kids resist and parents get tired of fighting, but it is a battle that...

Spring Cleaning Here are a few tips for keeping your teeth clean and healthy at an affordable price: 1. Eat raw fruits and vegetables to keep teeth clean and reduce bacteria. Replace costly soft drinks and candy with apples, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, grapes, celery, and tomatoes. All are plentiful in season. 2. Sprouts of beans,...